10 Self-Care Tips To Start Loving YOU

Self-care is a lifelong habit and culture. It is the practice of individuals looking after their own health based on the knowledge and information available to them. It is a decision-making process that empowers individuals to look after their own health efficiently and conveniently, in collaboration with health and social care professionals as needed.

Global Self-Care Federation

In this day and age there are a lot of factors in life that you can’t control. Being busy has become regular, juggling work, business, friends and family. However, we all fail to understand that for us to handle all of these things we need to take really good care of ourselves. We can create more resilience when it comes to all the challenges and uncertainties that life can bring by giving ourselves a little TLC regularly.

In celebration of the International Self-Care Day, PTS gives you 10 Self-Care Tips and start loving YOU.

1. Get some sleep.

Get at least 8 hours of sleep everyday to refresh your body. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is also important because it sets your internal clock to a more balanced plan. More balance equals a better you.

2. Eat right.

Eat the right food with the right amount at the right time. Don’t skip the most important meal of the day – breakfast! It will surely get you through the day.

3. Exercise and Meditate.

Whether you like yoga, dance classes, spinning, or running marathons, there’s most likely a form of exercise that works best for you. So experiment a bit, and find something you love to do.

Start meditating by taking a few deep breaths and trying to connect to your breathing patterns with your body. Using this strategy daily can help you relieve a lot of the stress.

4. Get dressed in your favorite and most comfortable outfit.

As they say, ” when you look good, you feel good!” So go sport that OOTD of your choice everyday!

5. Try Something New Just For Fun

Want to try learning a new language, hike, skydive or do something you haven’t done before? Whatever makes you smile, feeds your curiosity, or just makes you feel better is truly important. Plan something exciting today!

6. Unplug and Clean Up Your Social Media Contacts

Taking a break from social media can give you some space to rest, and get some peace and quiet amidst all the daily pinging.

If you’ve got a bunch of social media “friends” who you either don’t actually connect with in real life, or who don’t add to the quality of your feeds, then feel free to unfollow, mute, or delete until your social media community is made up of the people who matter the most to you.

7. Learn to shift negative thoughts you have about yourself and others.

Remember, the voice you hear most, is your own. If you constantly hear a negative voice, you will always be in a negative mindset.  Our words and thoughts are so powerful and they have a direct effect on how we evolve.  Become aware of what your inner critic sounds like. With practice, you will be able to identify when you are engaging in negative self-talk and shift your mindset to lessen the negative energy in your life.

8. Get rid of toxic people in your life.

“Toxic people can try to cling on—sometimes for years! They can make you feel guilty and because of that, are not always easy to remove from your life.” Identify the toxicity, set boundaries, avoid or totally DELETE that person out from your life. We all know how important it is to give our bodies a break from “toxic”.

9. Say NO when you need to.

Do not allow others to impose things on you that you ultimately do not want to do. Learn to say ‘no’, and don’t feel guilty about it. Always set boundaries.

10. Make a self-care box with all on the things you may want when you are having an off day or for when you’re in crisis.

Examples of what you can put into your box:

  • A list of your favorite ways to self-care
  • Essential oils
  • Your favorite face wash/moisturizer
  • A list of people who are important in your life and who you can turn to for support.
  • A candle that you love
  • Favorite book/books
  • Photos you love to look at
  • Tea for relaxation
  • A coloring book or coloring sheets with colored pencils/markers
  • A bath bomb

And always remember…

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