Work From Home

Time changes and so as our priorities. That is the reason why “trend” has become a very popular noun which means something is developing or changing. Growing technology led us to a more accessible and comfortable lives. That makes WORK FROM HOME very in demand in our country today.

Workers – those who only have limited time and resources; parents who still takes care of their children; small entrepreneurs who still have time to earn extra and fresh graduates who are still undecided on what to do – this set up works for you!

All you need to have is a good working desktop or laptop with an Intel core -i5 processor, latest Windows OS, at least 4GB RAM and a 5 mbps internet speed together with your excellent written and verbal English skills and you are good to go! Indeed, technology paved the way for them to get that job at the comfort of their own homes.

This may sound like a “walk in the park” but like any other jobs, it also has its pro’s and con’s. Here are some of the ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES of working from home:


1. Flexible schedule

2. Multi-tasking

3. No commuting, zero traffic.

4. Money saving – less overhead expenses and NO TAX.

5. More time with family and loved ones.


1. Will challenge your WILLPOWER (Netflix, mobile games, etc)

2. Pay your own premiums (SSS, Pag-IBIG, Philhealth)

3. Power naps

4. Failure to stick on a routine

5. Boredom

After carefully reviewing the positive and the negative side of working from home, you may or may not like this working opportunity.  However, as they say, “there is no harm in trying!” You may check these links of legit work from home companies and see if you can land this job!